It was a short drive from the boat launch at Point Defiance to our destination of Gig Harbor. Well, it did take a little longer than needed because the water…
Friday… at Friday Harbor
Friday morning finds us leaving Fisherman Bay and Lopez Island at high tide and cruising the short distance back to Friday Harbor. We found more liveliness in this harbor this trip since the weekend is approaching and there are more boat and people activity.The weather cooperated with a warm afternoon for us to sit on the fly bridge to watch the comings and goings of all the boats, float planes and ferries. The sunset was amazing as it cast a glow on nearby vessels and made the calm water shimmer with the reflections of the puffy clouds overhead.
As we were passing by the Fish Market just off the docks we met Popeye the harbor’s pet seal. They were feeding him fresh salmon and he was practically doing tricks to get them to throw more to him. He did not seem to mind being so close to people like the other seals we have seen.
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